neděle 9. června 2013

KAIT homework

In the first picture there are four children and a poor looking house. In the background we can see strange plants which means that this picture wasn´t taken in Czech Republic. Probably it is somewhere in hot country, for example Africa, because of very bright and sunny weather. Perhaps, the foto was taken during holidays, by tourists, who were going to discover new countries. The four children in the middle of the picture have black skin and they look like they are from poor family, because of their clothes. But even thought, they are happy when somebody come to them and take foto with them, or just talk to them.
There are also very dangerous looking props, beacuse they are not tiled and if you ask me, they are also rickety. In the front of the house there are two crates probably for rucksacks. And in the background there is   a house. It seems to me that it is some kind of bungalow or cottage which is created from clay. The house is also without windows and in my opinion the roof is extremely flammable, because of dry palm leaves.
In the house, there is very interesting thing looking like a compost. But probably it isn´t. What would do compost in the house.
This foto was taken probably for purpose to show, how people in other countries live.

In the second picture there are a people and a very nice looking pub. The picture is taken in typical Czech pub or restaurant. It is taken also in, I think summer holidays, because of very bright and sunny weather, and also because people have no jackets or sweatshirts. In the picture there are seven people. In the front of the picture there are an old woman and old man. The woman has a grey hair and many shapes on her t-shirt. It seems to me she is wearing sport glasses. The man looks very happy. because of nice restaurant and enjoying great beer. He has also glasses. And it looks like he have a pub cap. Next to the man there is also a child. The child is probably a boy. He wears also sport glasses and he has typical Czech habit = socks in the sandals :) . He looks very bored, maybe, because he has flu and he can´t enjoy this time well. In the back of these people, there are two women. The blond one looks like she is talking to old woman. And in the background there are two men. The one looks like a waiter, because he wears white shirt and black pants. On the wall of the restaurant there is a climbing plant, without blooms. In the background on the wall there is also sign. On the sign it could be kofola, a typical Czech drink. In the one of the windows, there is also dangerous plant. Dangerous, because it is in bad place and can fall on old woman´s head. This picture was taken, because of these people wanted to keep this moment for years.

středa 20. března 2013

The best food ever !

1) My favourite food.

Are mushrooms, mushrooms in all foods and on many ways of preparations. And the much from all the mushrooms, I like wood ears in the sauce with rice. Wood ears are mushrooms which are mainly used in Chinese medicine and food. However wood ears grows also in our country and because I´m interested in collecting mushroom,  I have a special places where I always find a many and many ears. So name of my favorite food is just "rice with o meaty sauce with wood ears" or I call it "Boltcovka".

2) My favourite Czech food and its recipe + vocabulary English-Czech list added.

Oh, this is really easy. I have to say it´s definitely milk soup. I know, many of you are now saying euu.....eck.
But it is so amazing and delicious soup that i have no words. Always, when I´m going to visit my grandma, she always prepare for me this milk soup. Then my mum learned to how to cook it and then also I leaned it.

Ok, this soup is really easy and fast to cook.
You will need:
  • 1l of milk
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • salt 
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • noodles
To the pot we give water with noodles and let them cook.
To the other pot pour we milk and let it cook, during that we can add salt or pepper to it. 
When the milk is cooked we add egg and noodles to it and let it be.

Milk soup = mlíkačka or mléková polévka

3) My favourite drink.

Kofola !!!! I love it and I can drink it always. But you know the best kofola is tapping kofola in a restaurants or in a pubs.

4) Typical Czech cuisine and table manners.

I don´t like Czech cuisine so much so I´m not interested in it so much. But I know some typical table manners.

For example: The Czech meals traditionally consists two courses the first is soup and the second is main dish. Oh some people eat also a compot at the end of eating.
Next, Czech cuisine is based on meat. Meat is nearly in every food.
Also dumplings is typical to Czech cuisine which are made of  wheat flour and stale bread.

5) I would never eat and drink.

I think there is nothing that I never would try. I love challenges and I love to discover the tastes of world.
I´m really would try to eat the fried bugs and this little creature, which people eat in the other country.
I´m just type of man who tried everything.
Yes that´s true i don´t like some foods "koprovka" "rajská" but i don´t hate it.
And also I don´t like alcohol so much, but I drink some alcohol with my family or friends.

6) My specialty.

I think, I can cook the goulash soup really good. This is my biggest speciality.

You will need:

  • 250 g beef
  • 1 liter of beef broth
  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 large onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • cumin
  • 1 tablespoon of dried marjoram
  • 2 teaspoons of sweet paprika
  • salt
  • ground pepper
  • lard

In the pot on lard, fry we onion. Then add meat and let it cook for a minute and half. Next add we paprika and cumin and pour beef broth to it, cook until the meat isn´t almost soft. Meanwhile from flour and lard prepare we roux to thicken soup. And add it to the soup. Subsequently add the potatoes, marjoram and garlic and cook until potatoes aren´t soft.

Goulash soup = gulášovka, gulášová polévka.

7) Which 3 people would I invite on lunch.

I will invite some famous actors which is really good and I like them:
Angelina Jolie
Johny Depp
Helena Bonham Carter
And why? I will invite them because I like them in every movie and I would like to talk to them and just see them :)

wood ears = ucho jidášovo
tapping = čepovaná
stale bread = starý chléb
beef = hovězí
beef broth = hovězí vývar
cloves = stroužky
cumin = kmín
ground pepper = mletý pepř
lard = sádlo
roux = jíška

úterý 12. února 2013

St. George's Day (23 April)

Emblem: an object or its representation, symbolizing a quality, state, class of persons, etc.; symbol: The olivebranch is an emblem of peace
Saint: a saint regarded as the special guardian of a person, group, trade, country, etc.
Parade: a large public procession, usually including a marching band and often of a festive natureheld inhonor of an anniversary, person, event, etc.
Crusades: often initial capital letter  ) any of the military expeditions undertaken by the Christians of Europe inthe 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries for the recovery of the Holy Land from the Muslims.

Who is St. George :

He is a patron of saints in England and his emblem become an inspiration for English flag and it is also part of British flag. 

Who was St. George :

He was a Roman soldier and he protested against Romans torture of Christian.
His popularity stems from early Crusades when it is said that the Normans saw him in a vision and were victorious.

Dragon story:

It is said that he killed a dragon because dragon kidnapped princess. However, it is highly unlikely that he killed a dragon. Even unlikely is that he ever actualy visited England.

Today celebrations:

On the Sunday nearest to 23. April the scouts go through England and attend services at local churches.
Also somewhere are parades with market places and people wear red rose (what is national flower) in their button hole.
Despite of that many and many people of England don´t celebrate this day.

More than a quarter of people living in England do not even know who their patron saint is!
For most people in England St George's Day is just another ordinary working day.
St. George frequently appears in Mummers' Plays during Easter and Christmas celebrations. They are folk dramas based on the legend of St. George and the Seven Champions of Christendom.

úterý 22. ledna 2013

You should know about Pewdiepie

Who is Pewdiepie it´s a guy who posted videos on youtube and he records himself on the camera and then the video post in to the main video. This way we can see his reaction etc..

His mainly criteria are videos about horror PC games. But he also make some dancing games or relax games and he accompanies it with his commentary. He had already about 1000 videos uploaded and people who saw his videos are about 1 000 000 000.

He become an inpiration for many and many people who makes arts about him or started to make the same thing like him.

People like him because of his very funny commentrary and because of his hearth attack and shock moments :).

BARREEEEEEEEEEEEEELS WHAT YOU DOING HERE. Yeah this is his best commentary because he hates barrels which are in every horror games and they nearly always block him the way or when he run away from danger.

Pewdiepie like his followers and like a Lady GAGA said to his followers "LITTLE MONSTERS", Pewdiepie said him "BROS" like a brothers and when the video ends he gives brofist with them and that is quite nice.

Here is also one video from him, so enjoy that :

My forced resolution

So, I don´t like this new years resolution, because I think that people can make resolution all year, but ok.
For me is resolution like a promise with crossed fingers, because you know, it is hard to keep it. I always start to do something what I ban to myself, or even don´t start with my resolution.

For example i choose to be more communicative in the lessons, but I think this is unrealizable thing for me. I just can´t make the first step in it. So, I doubt very, that I will start with this, because of my personality. This is very hard for me.

But my next  resolution is don´t be so long on my PC. I´m there about 4 hours per day and it is quite long, so I must regulate it little bit. This resolution is easier for me than the first, but I will try to keep both this my resolutions.

pondělí 17. prosince 2012

My Christmas wishlist and traditions

Christmas wishlist
Ok how to start. Dear baby Jesus I know you are not real but even that I write to you every year and I wish you could be real. Please, I know that I was not this year good much but even that I will be very suprised if I would get followed.
So baby Jesus I want clothes which I choose, I believe you look at my father´s email and you can buy it, or you can make it, it is up to you, but it must look like on the picture.
Next I know it is strange but, I wish electronic keyboard. Because, I think you remember, when I played like 12 years old boy on piano and I want start learn it again. So please, it can not be any special keyboards for 20 000 Kč it can be only keyboards to 5000 Kč but if you have money you can buy better :D .
Then, I want that basic things, like a deodorants, sprays, shampoo.
Oh and last thing. I want that big egg "Kinder Surprise". If you found that you will be so great, because I did not see it for 4 years.
So that are my wishes. Hope you come to us 24th December, I will be waiting.

Traditions in my family
1st traditions is = Me and my father every year at 22th December are going to buy carps, then we took them at home and one day we let them swimming in the bath in cold water. Then, my mum cook them and everyone who sit next to the Christmas table must take one piece. This is horrible tradition for me, because I hate fishes, but alltimes I took symbolic piece.

2nd tradition is = When we are sitting next to the Christmas table, we have prepared one extra place for somebody who can come to us, sit and be with us.

3rd tradition is = We alltimes take an apple and cut it at half. When the star appear, it means we will have luck and we will be healthy.

4th tradition is = Also with apple. We take an apple and put the candle into it. Then we take toothpicks and stuck some candies and sweets to it add some spruce twigs. And "woala" nice candlesticks are appeared.

5th and last traditions = When the bell rings, we are going to a christmas tree and there we sing a christmas carols I thing it is the most beautifull part of christmas.

středa 12. prosince 2012

My housing

So, this is my family house. We live in the last corner of Česká Kamenice, when you ride to the Děčín. I live here with my family for 14 years. Before, when my parrents had buy this house we lived in Žatec (flat) for 2 years and than in Poland (flat) also for 2 years. But I do not remeber that, I was little. So all my memories and experiences are associated with this house.

We live in this house with my uncle, ant and 2 cousins. They live in the first floor.
But we live in the second floor. There we have kitchen separate with dinning room it is just 2 in 1.
Next, we have there living room and bedroom of my parents. Also through a kitchen we can go on our most awesome place in this house and it is our terrase. Now, in the winter is going there only my mum to smoke, but I wish you to see it in Summer, it is so nice there. Flowers everywhere and also there is wooden table with armchairs so it is so nice.
But next, you maybe ask where i have my bedroom, ok simple answer, my parents clever remake the attic and there I have my bedroom and also there is bedroom for all unnecessary things.

We have also bassement where is boiler and many and many things.

And oh, I nearly forgot to mention our backyard. It is so nice I love our backyard so much. We have there garage, swimming pool, big trees, fireplace and my the most favourite place, garden, there I every Spring plant some vegetables.

Next to our neighbours. Thank god that next to us live so good persons, but when I say next to us I mean it exactly next to us. Because I do not know, 100 meters from our house is really big gheto full of romes and it is just horible they steal there and throw rubbish everywhere and so on.

PS: I am sorry for dark pictures. but this week I was going home everyday about 5-6 pm so it is reason why it is so dark.