úterý 22. ledna 2013

My forced resolution

So, I don´t like this new years resolution, because I think that people can make resolution all year, but ok.
For me is resolution like a promise with crossed fingers, because you know, it is hard to keep it. I always start to do something what I ban to myself, or even don´t start with my resolution.

For example i choose to be more communicative in the lessons, but I think this is unrealizable thing for me. I just can´t make the first step in it. So, I doubt very, that I will start with this, because of my personality. This is very hard for me.

But my next  resolution is don´t be so long on my PC. I´m there about 4 hours per day and it is quite long, so I must regulate it little bit. This resolution is easier for me than the first, but I will try to keep both this my resolutions.

2 komentáře:

  1. I have the PC problem too & I am going to reduce it.

  2. I have the same problem about being active at school. Seriously I am too lazy to change it. But I understand you. Good luck with keeping it! :)
